Consumers buying behaviour has changed with the evolution in technology. we can say with growth of social media the way consumers interact with brands has changed.An example would be Let say a customer has a problem with specific brand he posts about it on the facebook,twitter,and other social networking platforms which creates a negative publicity about the brand and diminishing its image.It can be just opposite too with right amount of positive interaction can help in building a better brand image and creating loyal customer.
From what can be seen in today's scenario we can reach for the following conclusions about the consumer;that consumers no longer compares the products/brands with its competitors but with all the brands if a brands service is better then that will become the benchmark for comparing even if its not in the same category.
second point would be the consumers have become less tolerant with few words brand image can go down the drain if customers are not properly satisfied.Complaints have gone up and overall satisfaction level of consumers have come down in general sense.So it is paramount for the companies to see that customers have a positive reaction for the brand.
Next point would be the consumer to consumer association,with advance in technology People are becoming more aware about the product and the brand.consumers are affected by the reviews of others and social media is more than happy to build the bridges between the consumers by ways public groups,blogs,expertise opinions etc.
Going further we can say that customers are no longer loyal.Here demographics clearly present an interesting picture with most of the developing and emerging countries has young population(median age of population less than 30)mix them uncertain ever changing digital technology we got the recipe for disaster for the traditional marketing.awareness has already spoiled them with the choices leading to the less loyalty.
It has already become clear that customers no longer accepts what is thrown in their way by the marketers.opinions are formed elsewhere word of mouth plays an important role here in giving the direction to the consumers perception.Social media is just what a tool for word of mouth but let just say much faster.
Awareness,It traditional marketer's bane;with asymmetry about the product/brand knowledge just a click away consumers do not take everything at face value now they search,compare,judge and then decide with whole process becoming easier for consumers and acquiring new customers harder for the companies.
Last headache for the companies is that now consumers decide which channel will be preferred by them for the communication, not the other way around.
Now this changes creates a need for customer driven communication strategies to satisfy the consumers.Well there is a silver lining in it if wrong message can threaten the brand and the product,a right message can build comes the part of co creation of brand by consumers which can happen with two way communication channel.
Before ending Just one one message IF YOU WANT YOUR BUSINESS TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE;GO SOCIAL ......
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